Want to SUPPORT Camp Putnam?

Camp Putnam, Inc. is a non-profit organization in the truest sense of the word. Each year our Board of Directors works tirelessly to raise the funds necessary to operate Camp Putnam. Our mission to serve all children, regardless of ability to pay, requires year- round fundraising.
All donations of any amount are appreciated. Gifts can be sent to 141 Rutherford Road New Braintree, MA 01531, or click the donate button at the bottom of the web page. ALL monies received go directly to operating and maintaining Camp Putnam. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

We maintain 37 buildings and over 100 acres of lawns/ fields. During the summer weeks we have a staff of 3 workers and one maintenance man. During the off-season, the Camp Director and his part-time maintenance man supply all of the labor! Contact us for specific needs.
Donate Labor or Services

Summer 2024 wish list coming soon!
Come to Fundraising Events
Visit the News & Events tab on this website to find out more.